
Although the years have streamed by at an incredible rate, I have discovered a couple places at my house that the passing time has overlooked. The clock may continue to advance, but dust is the only evidence of it’s movement.

How can all those years march past so closely without even peering into the garage attic, and how can they so obviously miss the top shelves on the back porch?

I started cleaning out the garage attic. I found an original box containing a Star Wars Ewok Village, two McDonald’s Happy Meal boats, a box full of very old letters and a June 1955 This Week magazine, a library of 8 track tapes, a Toyota bumper, a box containing 3 roughly painted model pick-ups, and many original packing boxes (slide projector, lava lamp, boom box, Associated RC car parts, etc.) all waiting there, patiently collecting dust, just in case I need them again.

How could an arsenal of squirt weapons (hard evidence of the last great summer squirt gun battle of 1995) lay in wait on the back porch top shelf for 20 years?

The air powered motorcycle I got for Brandon when he was about 3, souvenir Canfield Diet Chocolate Fudge soda cans, baseballs and fishing lures from when Robin was 8 or 10, wooden clothes pins, drum sticks, a shaker can of Burnishine Glide Rite Dance Floor Wax from our 25th anniversary party, a plastic bag of Lucky Beer twist-top bottle caps with hieroglyphic riddles printed inside, two “welcome the new baby” flower pots from when the boys were born, an incense burner, a sand candle, Diane’s Tempera Poster Paints pack, five bottles of Imperial Miracle Bubbles, and a railroad spike; all this and more waiting on those shelves.

back porch top shelf artifacts

But this is not an inventory, its an invenstory. These are precious artifacts from a society that once flourished here. Why disturb their peaceful slumber now?

I get to hold and savor up close the color, texture, the weight, even the sounds from these memories. When I’m gone they will be disconnected memories in a garage sale or off to the Salvation Army? I’m not crying, that’s just the way it is.

Our house is almost 110 years old. We’ve lived here 42 of those years. Looking out through my eyes, I still feel much like the guy who recently moved in. Looking back from the mirror, I see an old man.

Time has been speeding for me but it’s undeniable that it stands still in these two areas. Maybe if I made a comfortable place to curl up and rest in that dark, quiet garage attic……..

0 thoughts on “Invenstory?”

  1. HELLO AND GOOD MORNING TO YA    Yup I know what your saying. Just about 2 weeks ago I was up in our attic decided it was time to repack and figure what I have.  I found things myself I had forgot about. Intresting when you put something away and time gets away and what you fine later. All most like xmaa all over again and the memorys that come back.  Time will get away from ya for sure..   I am  happy to see your doing good .  I bet your enjoying our early sprng at least for now .  ONE thing for sure this years weather in general has been different for sure.    OK myself I am doing ok got some yard work done yesterday . Repair a  part for Dianes  truck that  you can no longer get .  I T plate that holds the rear support together with out that plate you have now  way to hold  any of the rear together and your rig becomes parts.  Found out after being away from glassing work I can still do it but I still dont like it BUT Nice to know I can still do some . Have not done any that in at least 2 or more years . BUT IT work and she was happy and that was what counted.    Daine is doing ok NOT working right now so she is enjoying the time  off  and relaxing.     I am enjoying your notes that you write up .  YOU should have been a writer I feel .  OK have  a good week talk to ya when you get the time. O ya how is your brother doing living on his own.?  Just wondering.  Later  DON     

    1. Well Don, I ended up seeing you and Diane in person before I got this posted. Thanks for going along with me on the parts run over to Ralph Roberts place. It was a nice day and a real nice chance to catch up on visiting.

  2. Hey Scott, Wow, you have a awesome way of looking at things and a great writing style. Love it. And you didn’t even mention all the memories you are storing for other people who are far away. I really appreciate you letting my memories share space with yours! As we age and my mind forgets the many wonderful things that should be memories, those little things that to others are junk are the jolt that jogs us back in time to great life stories that might otherwise be lost. You, my friend, are a great jolt back to times past in my life and I am so grateful you are around. Jon

    1. Jon: Thanks for the kind words. You and Cher remain in our prayers. Many little things are patiently waiting in storage for the opportunity to jolt you when you get over this way.

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